Post Mortem


This is a fully functional platform fighting game with animations, hit-boxes, frame data, knock-back, blast-zones, stage hazards, percent health system.

Local Multiplayer implemented so you can play with your friends. Kirby also has a full move-set so you can fight your friends (in game hopefully)

Music and backgrounds in each individual scene give the game a complete feel.

Menu transitions smoothly from different scenes.


Game always assumes there is 4 players since I wasn't able to implement a check for if there were 2 to 3 players.

Local multiplayer on keyboard bindings is a little scuffed (designed to work better with gamepad).

Wasted time trying to implement online multiplayer via Photon PUN and local multiplayer via Unity's new input system

What I learned:

Fighting games are actually hard to make. Each fighter has 20+ animations which add up to hundreds of frames per character. Lingering hit-boxes are hard to implement without instantly killing someone due to how RB.addforce works. Hitboxes and knockback formulas constantly had to be changed

What I would Implement:

More moves: Directional Specials, Shield, Grab, Ledge mechanics, Moves with lingering hitboxes


MORE CHARACTERS <DLC characters :o >

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